Friday, May 6, 2011

Stalin: The Man of Steel

The Teenage Stalin

3/5/1953 The Death Of Stalin

Joseph Stalin and Adolf Hitler

Russian Propaganda
 Lenin and Stalin


It is the final weekend before the due date. I don't quite know how to feel. I am relieved and yet also very stressed. As for my blog, I think it proved to be an excellent form of reflection and if my posts had gone through the first time, I may have actually enjoyed using it.

Now, all that's left to do is edit the essay and study for my other exams. I am sure that the end of this first senior exam block will be ethereal.

Lost Posts: 4/5/11

I have almost completed the assessment, with only a conclusion and and editing to go. The relief I feel is immense and although I enjoyed the topic, I am glad to see it come to an end.

Lost Posts: 2/5/11

I have only written around two and a half pages but I feel relieved as it was ostensibly easier than I first thought. Having read up on Stalin, created valid notes and watched numerous documentaries has really assisted me in the entire process; the information seems to simply come to me.

Lost Posts: 30/4/11

My leisurely week and a half off has proven to be quite useful in the sense that I have a clear and slightly distracted mind. I am now able to concentrate better and have yet again gained interest in both Stalin and his impact upon Russia. I also fear this has put me slightly behind schedule and so I have made an attempt to try and catch up.

Lost Posts: 21/4/11

I have become genuinely lazy. Having over worked myself with the multiple assignments and what not has burnt me out. I haven't sat down to work on anything related to Stalin in a little over a week but instead have been taking the time to relax and get out of the house. I am hoping this will do me some good.

Lost Posts: 11/4/11

The more and more I lean about Stalin, the more I seem to enjoy it. I am very glad I chose this particular topic as enjoying it makes it much easier to work with. In order to progress with this assessment I have set aside time each night to read up on Stalin and make more notes.

6/4/11 Post which did not go through:

Although the library is meant to be quite peaceful and tranquil I do find it increasingly difficult to concentrate solely on my own topic. I am constantly distracted by others who continually banter and ask me questions. Because of this I am left no choice but to work at home during the only leisure time I have. As of recently my work load has not been lifted but in fact made impossibly heavier. I find myself working on school work until late at night and left with very little time. I feel rather frustrated by my lack of time and as if I am not completing my work to the best of my ability.

Lost Posts found

Thankfully, after some researching and fiddling with the dashboard I found a few of the lost posts. However, when I select it and click "Publish Post" it says "Post Published" yet when I go to my blog, nothing shows up. It seems the only way to fix this issue may be to simply copy and paste it as a new post and hope it works. This is a negative thing as it will be out of order and seem rather unfitting.

Post Did Not Go Through

As of a little while ago, I published around four to six posts. And today, I have discovered to my astonishment that they have not gone through. The blog says they have although they do not show up. This is proving to be quite irritating as I do not know how to retrieve them and republish them.